Im Patch

Im Patch

Friday, 25 March 2011

Chip and Pin...

No pictures today due to the fact that im sulking! Yesterday i had my final jab of the year and then im jabbed with a bigger needle, that inserts some kind of microchip into my back, that really hurt and i cried out, then Meadow is wiping blood from my nice white coat, she assures me its for my own good and that if i went missing the Vets or Dog wardens will be able to trace me back to her...

She made up for it today and brought me a name tag for my coller, but then spoilt it by putting some cold wet drops on my neck, to stop fleas she says, but i dont have any fleas i tell her with my eyes, no Patch, you do not, thanks to the cold wet drops you have every month!.....Im off to sulk on my bed, but i will go and get a cuddle and pose for pictures soon..

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Daises and sticks...

Oh come on, don't do the ironing now, i wanna go to the PARK!!!!!!....

That's better, a field full of Daisies...

And lots of sticks and plenty of fresh smells...

New people to fuss over me, and whats this, a mini car, i wanna ride, please take me...

Nope theres plenty of sticks for me here..

Daises to eat, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Overcoming the stairs..

I can bound up the stairs no problem, but then i whine until Meadow comes and picks me up, but last night, i managed to make my way back down, a little shaky but i did it!... Now there will be no stopping me.....

Im the King of the castle....

Saturday, 12 March 2011

New smells and games..

Wow, these smell nice, i wonder what they taste like?...

I love chasing this ball..

Then sitting with it and chewing the fluff off, in a minute she will throw it again!..

Sunday, 6 March 2011


She finally rememered to bring the camera!... We had the field to ourselves, but i was still on the lead, although the lead lets me run and run, and i like the taste of the daisies..

Theres so many different smells out here, it takes a while to get to the field..

So many daisies to eat....

Whats that?......

Saturday, 5 March 2011