Im Patch

Im Patch

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Such a Minx!

But they do love me, even if i keep stealing the door runner and cusions...

Friday, 3 June 2011

Its Summer...

And I'm loving the sunshine while chasing the bees and butterflies........

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Saturday musings....

Thats a long way down!

Yum tasty mummy fingers....

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Still a Minx....

Theres always something to say...

That's a really big flower, wonder if it tastes good?.............

Sunday, 24 April 2011

5 months old.....

...............and im chasing bees in the garden...

so spoilt in the kitchen when the crumbs drop.... im there !!!!...

I sleep where i want, when i want...

...and im as cheeky as they come....

Friday, 25 March 2011

Chip and Pin...

No pictures today due to the fact that im sulking! Yesterday i had my final jab of the year and then im jabbed with a bigger needle, that inserts some kind of microchip into my back, that really hurt and i cried out, then Meadow is wiping blood from my nice white coat, she assures me its for my own good and that if i went missing the Vets or Dog wardens will be able to trace me back to her...

She made up for it today and brought me a name tag for my coller, but then spoilt it by putting some cold wet drops on my neck, to stop fleas she says, but i dont have any fleas i tell her with my eyes, no Patch, you do not, thanks to the cold wet drops you have every month!.....Im off to sulk on my bed, but i will go and get a cuddle and pose for pictures soon..

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Daises and sticks...

Oh come on, don't do the ironing now, i wanna go to the PARK!!!!!!....

That's better, a field full of Daisies...

And lots of sticks and plenty of fresh smells...

New people to fuss over me, and whats this, a mini car, i wanna ride, please take me...

Nope theres plenty of sticks for me here..

Daises to eat, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Overcoming the stairs..

I can bound up the stairs no problem, but then i whine until Meadow comes and picks me up, but last night, i managed to make my way back down, a little shaky but i did it!... Now there will be no stopping me.....

Im the King of the castle....

Saturday, 12 March 2011

New smells and games..

Wow, these smell nice, i wonder what they taste like?...

I love chasing this ball..

Then sitting with it and chewing the fluff off, in a minute she will throw it again!..

Sunday, 6 March 2011


She finally rememered to bring the camera!... We had the field to ourselves, but i was still on the lead, although the lead lets me run and run, and i like the taste of the daisies..

Theres so many different smells out here, it takes a while to get to the field..

So many daisies to eat....

Whats that?......

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Monday, 28 February 2011


Im there look closer..

Now this garden really needs a good tidy...

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Why wont she let go... I'm making enougth noise!

Its mine, i tell ya, all mine...


Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Sunday, 20 February 2011


In a few days i will be able to take my first walk into the unknown. Apart of me is looking forward to the fun I'm going to have but the other half is little nervous. its so loud out there. There are big metal machines honking about the roads making way to much noise! Why are there also creatures flying around, i see and hear them from my bedroom window and when i go into the garden, they sing so nicely sometimes and then some will squawk and startle me.

There are way too many smells though and I'm going to spend hours sniffing out those that are like me, I'm going to Chase my ball and run through the fields having a wild time. Springs coming so the weathers going to be much nicer for digging up the garden, i don't like the mud inbetween my claws. Theres so much fun out there, bring it on!